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We all have our low points. Whether they are personal or professional. We hit roadblocks and obstacles all the time. At some point, we think quitting is the only option.

But, let me be the first to say the day you quit, is the day you lose forever. Nobody remembers that journey and nobody wants that stigma. Perseverance prevails and that lasts a lifetime. But, you have to have a thick skin to drown out the noise.

You will fail throughout this journey. You will lose things you weren’t expecting. You will get disappointed. People will take advantage of your core. But, do not let it steer you from your end game.

Do not quit. Success is not measured in a linear form, it’s measured on the way you bounce back when you’ve hit bottom.

Tough times never last, but tough people do. So do not dwell there. Think positive.
You are here on this earth for a purpose, a purpose to succeed, a purpose to defy the odds, a purpose to find your inner happiness.

Focus on that. The sheer force you use in bouncing back will only determine that success. And, that becomes a magnetic form of energy you can carry throughout your life. The bounce back will be what propells you through the rest of your life.

When you have been to the bottom your no longer worried because you have been there!

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